PRAYER REQUEST PLEASE PRAYER! This an email from Betsy to me about a family we are both friends with its a sad story and they are in desperate need of prayer. .
Hi, Matt just got back from taking Matt Bezanson to the airport. As you may or may not know the Bezanson's have been on the road for the last couple of weeks pulling their trailer for a family vacation. Matt just flew back home a day or so ago to go back to work. Kara today was driving in L.A. and from what we understand the trailer began to fishtail and their suburban along with their trailer rolled on the freeway (the vehicles are totaled). Kara, Nate, Grace and Anna (teenager that they are god parents to) are all in the hospital in L.A. It is unclear the extent of the injuries. We know that they are all in neck braces, Nate has a pretty good gash on his face and Anna has a concussion bad enough that she can't see straight. It sounds as if they may have lost their new dog Chase. From what family in the L.A. area has been able to find in the police reports is that near the time of the rollover a dog was also hit on the freeway. At this time Kara does not know this information. I think they are waiting to confirm that the dog that was hit was truly Chase. That is all Matt knows. The hospital was not releasing much information to him. Matt should be in L.A. about 7:30 this evening. -Betsy
When I was a little girl the most important people in my life were my family and no that hasn't really changed. But I've gotten older and I've moved away from the family that meant the world to me. So many wonderful memories that come from my family. BIG family dinners the adults sitting around the table playing scrabble the kids running around playing outside. The sage brush fire YIKES that was set by a cousin in the woods. Opps.. Trips to the Nugget for a family lunch then the adults playing and the kids going to the kid room and playing. Spending the night in the HIGH bed at Grandmas house coffee and morning baths malts and lotion.. Always having someone around to play with and talk to.
Well I am BLESSED enough to be able to go home to my childhood town. I am surprising my great grandmother she doesn't know I am coming! :) I am going to visit with my grandparents talk with my cousins see my first childhood best friend. This time though I will be the adult sitting around playing scrabble while the little ones run around playing. I hope to see a lizard a jack rabbit a wild horse and a mining town to bring my childhood memories back to me. Those are some of the best and worst memories I carry but the brighter ones shine more. The people make them shine.
I thank you GOD for my family. The ones near and far. The ones blood and non and of course the ones that I have picked to be in my family. You are all so special to me.
My blog may be quiet for a few days due to lack of Internet...
CH: Daily Challenge: Help any elderly person you see if they're having trouble OR Take already-read magazines to a dialysis center.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
I got so busy and didn't get around to my blog.. Its so neglected! :)
I had an interesting weekend.. It was an adventure. I went on a late night swim in the bay with a great friend the moon was shining on the water and a band was playing at a local bar down the street. It was a scene out of a southern movie. It was adventurous and calming. I loved every second of it!
However the next my friends and I had a day where nothing was going right and we were bickering and fighting at every turn.. But you know you have a good friend when at the end of the day with a little space you still really love each other. I am just blessed so very blessed for my friends. I can't say it enough!
This weekend was a learning weekend. NOTHING went as we had planned. NOTHING.. But they say when you make a plan GOD laughs and that's true.. Take everything with a grain of salt plan a little bit but be flexible if it doesn't go as planned. Life is short way too short to be fighting and upset over things that can't be controlled.
CH: Daily Challenge: Start the biography of a person fascinating to you OR Take at least 3 pieces of rarely-worn clothing to a local shelter!
I had an interesting weekend.. It was an adventure. I went on a late night swim in the bay with a great friend the moon was shining on the water and a band was playing at a local bar down the street. It was a scene out of a southern movie. It was adventurous and calming. I loved every second of it!
However the next my friends and I had a day where nothing was going right and we were bickering and fighting at every turn.. But you know you have a good friend when at the end of the day with a little space you still really love each other. I am just blessed so very blessed for my friends. I can't say it enough!
This weekend was a learning weekend. NOTHING went as we had planned. NOTHING.. But they say when you make a plan GOD laughs and that's true.. Take everything with a grain of salt plan a little bit but be flexible if it doesn't go as planned. Life is short way too short to be fighting and upset over things that can't be controlled.
CH: Daily Challenge: Start the biography of a person fascinating to you OR Take at least 3 pieces of rarely-worn clothing to a local shelter!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Do you know what's been weighing heaviest on my heart the last few days? Feelings. Everyone has feelings! Every single one of us. People should be treated with kindness compassion and respect. Even people we don't like. For they are people and they have feelings and emotions too. You might not like them but the feeling may not be mutual they might like you they might look up to you. You don't know what everyone is going through or where they are coming from. Everyone needs forgiveness too.. I am GUILTY of not treating people with the respect they deserve I am so guilty of it. That's why it weighs so heavily on me right now. I am quick to snap and quick to judge. I don't want to be that person anymore. I hate when my feelings are hurt or when someone talks down to me. SO WHAT gives me the right to turn around and do it to the next person? It's a disgusting habit and I want to end it now! It's time to let go and Let God...
Remember Everyone needs compassion, everyone needs love, everyone needs a little respect..
For those of you I've treated disrespectful I am apologizing from the bottom of my heart now. I am not perfect I am going to mess up again but I want to be a better person. So I am going to give it my all to be that person.
CH: Daily Challenge: Avoid salt for the entire day OR Read the newspaper (a big, not the Enquirer!) from cover to cover.
Remember Everyone needs compassion, everyone needs love, everyone needs a little respect..
For those of you I've treated disrespectful I am apologizing from the bottom of my heart now. I am not perfect I am going to mess up again but I want to be a better person. So I am going to give it my all to be that person.
CH: Daily Challenge: Avoid salt for the entire day OR Read the newspaper (a big, not the Enquirer!) from cover to cover.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
What is sitting heavily on my heart is the kind act of a hug. Not all people are huggy type people, and I know am not usually one. But sometimes there is nothing better then a simple kind act of a hug and letting someone know that you care for them. Give someone in need a hug or tell someone you love them. They are soothing acts of kindness and love you'll never know what it means to that person.
CH: Daily Challenge: Google an impressionist artist and read all about them OR Be kind and nice to someone you don't like...all day long
CH: Daily Challenge: Google an impressionist artist and read all about them OR Be kind and nice to someone you don't like...all day long
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I don't want to dwell on negative stuff I feel that it makes the world around you negative so I am honestly saying I am discouraged today tomorrow will be better, that's my blog for the night.
As my mom used to say... "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all"
Praying for encouragement for tomorrow :)
CH: Daily Challenge: Use the GOOD silver and/or china OR Go for a walk, jog or run.
As my mom used to say... "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all"
Praying for encouragement for tomorrow :)
CH: Daily Challenge: Use the GOOD silver and/or china OR Go for a walk, jog or run.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
It takes two to keep a friendship growing, if you have a good friend don't let them slip away. Don't let life become between the two of you. Make sure you take the time to say hi, send an email, make a phone call, send a funny text. Go for a walk. Stay connected. It's so important. We are blessed to have friends keep them close.
CH: Boycott Circus's that abuse their animals in training. They won't stop until it effects their pocket books (Non official Daily Challenge she didn't do one today. However she did find out a baby elephant that was being abused in its training. Which led to this talk)
CH: Boycott Circus's that abuse their animals in training. They won't stop until it effects their pocket books (Non official Daily Challenge she didn't do one today. However she did find out a baby elephant that was being abused in its training. Which led to this talk)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I don't have anything to say today. I have racked my brain I have prayed about it and I've got nothing... So sometimes not saying anything is okay. Enjoy the silence
Love to you all!
CH: It's the weekend so we're gonna have some fun with the...Daily Challenge: Play Monopoly OR Eat a fruit you've never tried!
Love to you all!
CH: It's the weekend so we're gonna have some fun with the...Daily Challenge: Play Monopoly OR Eat a fruit you've never tried!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Snail Mail
Who Loves mail? I mean real mail? Hand written thoughtful loving kind just for you? I know I do!! But you know something you are more likely to get mail when you send it yourself. I love writing letters and cards and sending them out. I love the joy that it brings to someone I love. Near or Far where ever it's a great thing emails are quick and nice but there is nothing like old fashion Snail mail.... And look below looks like Carolyn and I were on the same wave... She rocks!
Check her out on Twitter sometime...
CH: Daily Challenge: Floss (that's right, know you don't!) OR Hand write a letter to a friend.
Check her out on Twitter sometime...
CH: Daily Challenge: Floss (that's right, know you don't!) OR Hand write a letter to a friend.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Don't Hide
We all are special. We are all built differently. Some of us are emotional some of us aren't. That's the facts of life. Some of us see a situation as being life ending and some of us don't. But don't down play your feelings. Your feelings are yours you are right to them. You are allowed to feel pain sadness anger for whatever reason. Don't toss them aside because the person next to you may not react the same way. Explore them. Challenge them. Get help for them. Talk to a friend family member anyone. Value your feelings treat them with respect because your feelings and emotions make you who you are. :)
Daily Challenge: Contact your state rep. on an issue that concerns you OR go without sugar the entire day!
Daily Challenge: Contact your state rep. on an issue that concerns you OR go without sugar the entire day!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Making up a missed Blog

My goal was to do this everyday for a month and I fell behind so I am doing an extra blog today to catch up. Just what is on my heart and of course I added words of wisdom from Carolyn on here too because I just love that woman she encourages me so..
Love your friends with all your heart. Your friends are some of the most important people in your life. You will get angry you will get annoyed and offended and hurt by them But LOVE them anyway after all you've done the same to them. They are a gift given to you. Be there for them when they hurt. Wipe their tears when they cry. Laugh when they laugh encourage when need and know that in your time of need they will be there. Love them for who they are accept their flaws as they accept yours.
I am so blessed to have so many special friends!
CH : Be fantastic in all your dealings today!
Love your friends with all your heart. Your friends are some of the most important people in your life. You will get angry you will get annoyed and offended and hurt by them But LOVE them anyway after all you've done the same to them. They are a gift given to you. Be there for them when they hurt. Wipe their tears when they cry. Laugh when they laugh encourage when need and know that in your time of need they will be there. Love them for who they are accept their flaws as they accept yours.
I am so blessed to have so many special friends!
CH : Be fantastic in all your dealings today!
Taking it all on or not
Something I struggle with is taking everything on. I want to be apart of everything I want to do it all. I hate sitting back and letting others do. I am not sure why. I don't feel like I do it better I just like knowing seeing and doing. But it's not the most important thing in life. I don't have to do everything. I don't have to be every ones do it girl. So I am trying to take a step back and let others do more so I am not as bossy. That's another goal. SO what I am trying to say is step back sit back and watch a little. Don't do everything! But do the best when you do, do something. Give what you do your all.
CH : Daily Challenge: see the merits of some aspects of the opposing pol. party...just for better understanding OR Watch a classic movie made between 1940 and 1950. I just watched "Treas. of Sierra Madre". Bogart should have gotten the Oscar!!!
CH : Daily Challenge: see the merits of some aspects of the opposing pol. party...just for better understanding OR Watch a classic movie made between 1940 and 1950. I just watched "Treas. of Sierra Madre". Bogart should have gotten the Oscar!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Be Flexable
You know I am learning everyday that being flexable has got to be one of the most important asspects to have in life. You never know what the day is going to hold and what is going to happen but if you are flexable and take it as it comes with a smile and a laugh it makes the day so much easier.
CH: Daily Challenge: Extra money in the meter for the car coming in after you OR Read the news magazine of your choice cover to cover!
CH: Daily Challenge: Extra money in the meter for the car coming in after you OR Read the news magazine of your choice cover to cover!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Today is ending and I am getting my blog in minutes before the day. My thoughts today are simple.
Give thanks that you are American and you are free. If you see a vet say Thank you.
Happy 4th of July
Give thanks that you are American and you are free. If you see a vet say Thank you.
Happy 4th of July
Admit it..
ADMIT FAILURE or a mess up. I will be admitting one right now. I didn't blog when I was supposed to I failed myself. So here I am admitting a slight mess up on my part. Something you should know about me. I have a hard time admitting I was wrong. Those of you know me really well know this very true. Even this little admit is hard for me to do. But I am a growing person and I will continue to grow and this helps me..
Soo my advice tip words of wisdom... Own it.. Now to practice what I preach on a daily basis.. I should log off now I have alot of admitting to God to do now we'll be busy all night..
CH: Daily Challenege...there will be three for the foreseeable future: Over-tip your coffee barista OR take a basket of hygiene prods. to a... local shelter (use 99 cent store)........OR tell one person (or many) about the scam that is Direct Buy. And gracious and grand. Sometimes I think the most gracious thing you can do is save others from falling into a hole! :)
Soo my advice tip words of wisdom... Own it.. Now to practice what I preach on a daily basis.. I should log off now I have alot of admitting to God to do now we'll be busy all night..
CH: Daily Challenege...there will be three for the foreseeable future: Over-tip your coffee barista OR take a basket of hygiene prods. to a... local shelter (use 99 cent store)........OR tell one person (or many) about the scam that is Direct Buy. And gracious and grand. Sometimes I think the most gracious thing you can do is save others from falling into a hole! :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
This blog challenge is going to be harder then I thought, but I am glad to be doing it. I don't know if any of you are reading these I hope you are. Feel free to leave me comments I like to read what people think.
Today think about a loved one friend family someone you haven't talked to in awhile and send them a quick email FB message Twitter snail mail what ever it is that you do and just simply say hello and let them know they are appreciated and or loved. You have NO idea how wonderful it is to see a surprise message boosts attitude all day long :)
CH : Righty-O, muffins! Daily Challenge: reflect upon a cause or charity you'd like to get involved with (just THINK about it today) OR...
Be gracious and grand today...even to those who have "done ya wrong"!
pick up three (or more) recyclables and...recycle them!
Today think about a loved one friend family someone you haven't talked to in awhile and send them a quick email FB message Twitter snail mail what ever it is that you do and just simply say hello and let them know they are appreciated and or loved. You have NO idea how wonderful it is to see a surprise message boosts attitude all day long :)
CH : Righty-O, muffins! Daily Challenge: reflect upon a cause or charity you'd like to get involved with (just THINK about it today) OR...
Be gracious and grand today...even to those who have "done ya wrong"!
pick up three (or more) recyclables and...recycle them!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Advice tip hmm?
Alright lets say I have a big mouth its not shocker so my advice and lesson is becareful what you say. Even in teasing you could hurt someones feelings. If later you think about it and feel guilty maybe it wasn't that funny to begin with. Take that into consideration friends and if you have that feeling own it. Apologize it never hurts to admit where you may have been wrong. It helps you grow as a person and it reminds you to think a little bit before you speak. However by all means I am not saying be serious all the time because really that's not cool. Just watch what comes out of your mouth. Playful teasing should be said in fun taken in fun and innocent people around you should know it's fun. Be kind be loving be a shining star when you are out in the world.
LIVE! Laugh! (ALOT) LOOVE with your whole heart..
Thanks GUYS
Love you all!
CH: Daily Challenge: watch a movie made before 1940 (w/ family preferably) OR Take a basket of fruit to the nurses at a conv./rest home!
LIVE! Laugh! (ALOT) LOOVE with your whole heart..
Thanks GUYS
Love you all!
CH: Daily Challenge: watch a movie made before 1940 (w/ family preferably) OR Take a basket of fruit to the nurses at a conv./rest home!
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