Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving and it is by far my favorite holiday, not just because I get to eat though that is a high light! It's a day where I can really feel how blessed I am. Yeah I am sappy and emotional so of course this day ranks up there for me!

I have so many things to be thankful for, so many things that I take for granted everyday. First I have a warm place to live. The past few days have been very cold and it's reminded me how grateful I am that I have a house and heater and a bed and blankets. Things that some some people just don't have.

Here's one thing I am thankful for that some people think is silly but its big to me. I am thankful for my pets. I have three amazing animals who NEVER judge me they never put me down they never make me feel bad about myself they never hurt my feelings they are loyal and they love me flaws and all even when I let them down they never let me down. Animals are pretty amazing if I could I would have more. Yep crazy animal lover here :) My heart goes out to them!

I am thankful for a job, I've watched my parents struggle this past year with having jobs and then not having jobs its scary, I am just so thankful I have a job that I love that I get to go to everyday... Even when its hard to get out of bed or even when I have a bad day at work I still have it, its still mine and I still love it hard days and all... The small hugs I get make up for the hard days... I love being Miss. Backie as one little guy says :)

Now on to my family, it's a crazy group and we are all flawed but then again who has a family that isn't? Mine is not perfect far from it honestly but it's mine! :)

Then, I have the family that I've picked my friends. I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of friends. Some I've known for years and years and some I've only known since May of this year but each one very special to me. Sure we've hurt each other and have had our fights but we aren't perfect what we have is a common ground love for each other and I am learning to really trust from them. They make me who I am they are helping me grow and change and become the person I want to be.

They say you are blessed if you can count up three close friends, but I have more then three far more then three. Its a miracle and wonderful and a big gift wow!

I am also blessed to be able to freely believe in my God and talk about him and witness his miracles and not have to worry about losing my life for it. That to me is amazing!

I am so thankful for my flaws and my strengths they make me who I am. And I am at the point I am no longer ashamed of all my flaws I am not proud of them but I am learning to live with them and grow from them..

I am just Thankful to be alive and have a great life.

This is Jaxie signing out wishing you a very happy holiday season :)
Alright Meggers I updated just for you!