I know I tend to say this a lot, but I don't think I could ever say it too much. I have the worlds best siblings. The first part of our lives we spent together. Growing, playing. bickering, fighting, giggling, laughing, crying.. We spent many hours with our Barbie dolls, many hours playing outside. There were times we found ourselves in big trouble! Thank Goodness we were so cute! We often sat and talked about our futures. We welcomed new siblings to the bunch and loved and cherished them. Those were some pretty ama

For those of you who don't know my siblings and I all share the same biological dad. However I have a different biological mom. My dad married their mom when I was just a baby. She's my mom too. I love her to pieces. Doesn't matter that biologically I am not hers she has loved me and called me her own child since day one! (Love you mama) That being said. I had two different homes.. One day we moved up to Good old Washington and they moved to Arkansas. Contact was lost. 5 years went by with no contact. Those were the longest five years of my life. I was teenager I really needed my siblings. However one day contact was made. An off chance and Yahoo messenger! We have never lost contact again. We are older now. We know how to be in contact more. Even with all the distance we have and the time we lost we are still very close siblings. The bond of sisters is strong! I could not be more thankful for those crazy Ballard kids that are all now grown...
Samantha- I remember the first time I found I was going to be your big sister. It was the first time I remember seeing our parents and meeting your mom for the first time. She was pregnant with you and I fell in love with the idea of being a big sister. Then I remember seeing you for the first time. You were so little! However I thought you were the coolest thing ever. I also thought you had some pretty awesome toys. However your crying in the back seat next to me. Well sometimes that would get a little old so I would poke you. Only made you cry louder. If I had been older then 4 I would have learned to get ear plugs! As you grew you started following me around and calling me Day Day. Because you couldn't say J.J. I pretended it annoyed me. However I really didn't mind it. I loved playing with you. Honestly I even think fondly on the moments where all we did was fight! Remember the time we had got in trouble and had to spend an hour together on a bed in our bedroom? We ended up playing Barbies. Fun times. Samantha I love you!

Holly- You were the baby I wasn't expecting, I don't remember mom being pregnant with you. I was four and half living my life. Not paying attention. Teasing Sami. However one day you were there and I fell in love with you. You were the cutest baby ever! Big brown eyes. Thumb in your mouth. You too like Samantha drove me nuts with your crying... Holly Bolly was your nick name for awhile. As you grew the more and more I fell in love with you. I have always loved your quiet nature. Your big heart. Your devious nature. You may have the world fooled that you are sweet all the time.. I know you better then that. You are my mini me and one of my best friends in life. I love you!!
Rebecca- I remember the day you were born! I remember the first time I held you! You became my personal baby doll. You and I were never far apart. I wanted to hold you all the time. I wanted to dress you and to play with you. I wanted to make your bottles. I was very hands on with you. So much so that as you grew when I would walk into a room you were instantly on my hip or in my arms. I learned young to tell what you needed what you were thinking what you were saying. I just waned to be with you! It stayed like that until I moved away. You were just a toddler when I moved away. There hasn't be a day since the day you were born that I haven't thought about you. Even with how far away I was. I still loved you and still do! Rebecca Lynn you are an amazing young woman. BEAUTIFUL, Smart, funny creative. I just admire you and I love you!
Jonah- Poor guy, only boy out of four big sisters. How did you ever make it? I remember when mom told me she was going to have you. I prayed you would be a boy. I always wanted a brother. I couldn't have picked a better brother by the way. You are awesome. I know your life I missed out on the most. I hate that we had to grow up so far away. I have always loved you and I am proud of you. I have bragged about you since you were born. After all you are the worlds coolest little brother. You grew up fast Jonah. Way too fast. My favorite memory is playing Nintendo with you when you were about eight. Teaching you all my secrets. You told your friend I was the coolest big sister ever. It just made me wish that I had gotten to grow up with you. However you are probably relieved one less big sister bossing you around. :) I will never understand why our childhoods had to go that way. You are my baby brother and I love you. Always.. Not matter how much time goes by.. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. You are the best brother a girl could ask for and I know that your three
other older sisters could agree. I am proud of you Jonah!