Friday, December 30, 2011
Oh my 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Don't Give In...I am not...
I've struggled with this voice for years. It hangs around every day but is so much louder in times of hardship. If you allow it to get to you it bogs you down. It puts you in a funk it makes your heart to the point you thinks its going to break into a million pieces.
I am guilty of letting that voice get to me the last few days. I let it control me. I let it tell me the people that love me don't. I let it tell me that I am just not going to make it and I am not going to be ok. Then I start to shut down. I shut out the people that mean the most to me. I hide away and I hurt.
What good is that doing me? Why do I listen to that voice tell me that my friends and family can't love me. No I am not perfect and I have my flaws. My family love me even knowing this and I love them knowing they aren't perfect and i don't expect them to be. So why do I think that they can't love me?
I am the one that ends up suffering even more. I didn't give them a chance to help me.
I am taking an active step to not let that voice get to me. When I stopped and asked for help. When I showed my pain to someone that loved me. They didn't judge me. They were honest with me. They didn't put me down. Yes they told me some things that were hard to hear but I needed to hear. It give me a clear view. Helped me push the voice outside of my head.
The voice is still here but I am not letting it control me. When I hear it. When I feel my heart to start to get heavy. I close my eyes. Picture myself being as upset as this past few days and pray to God to help me be stronger. Help me to not feel that pain. I remember the words of wisdom I was given.
I take a minute and see all my blessings and I open my eyes and the voice is gone and I am stronger.
Life is NEVER going to be easy. Never EVER going to be easy.
However I refuse to let that little voice control my life.
I refuse to shut the people out of my life that love me. I will not be alone.
I will never abandon them so I can't think they will abandon me.
My God is So Great! So Strong and SO mighty! There isn't nothing my God can't do... It's a song we sing with our cubbies and it's been stuck in my head for days.. It's true my God gave me this life and My God gave me my group of people that love me... There is nothing My God Can't help me out of...
Becoming a Stronger me.. One day at a time!
Love you all!
Friday, November 4, 2011
My heart hurts
Friday, October 14, 2011
Middle of the Night Blogs
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Hearts Desire
Monday, September 19, 2011
I am letting it go! (Again)
I am not good at asking for help. I am not good at saying "Hey, I am hurting right now and I just need to talk." I am not one who can normally just call someone up and have a conversation with them. I know that sounds so funny coming from the queen of emotions. I know I can't hide my emotions well and my eyes and face give away everything! I don't have any control of that or I would totally do a better job. It's why I can never play poker :)
I have a really hard time asking for prayer. Sometimes I can do it. A lot of the times in a text message but it's a start! I struggle with all of this so deeply. I hate the idea of coming across as extra emotional or extra needy or a burden to someone. It's this HUGE rock in my stomach that paralyzes me with fear.
However I have NO problem, at all praying for others. I never mind if someone comes up to me and says "Hey, I am hurting I need your help." Or "Would you pray for me?" I jump in. I would do everything in my power to ease the pain and suffering my friends and family suffer. I would never think of them as a burden!
I don't want to come across as if I don't trust my family and my friends with my stuff. They trust me with theirs. It's not that I don't trust them with anything in my life because I do! It's just that I have a hard time actually voicing what's going through my head.
Give me pen and paper and it all spills out. Last year I had a friend that I wrote actual hand written letters to, and I felt like my personality, my heart, and soul came spilling out. I think she got to know a side of me that I keep locked up.
I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am. I need to embrace myself and let go of my insecurities. God didn't create me to be so insecure or so hard on myself. He didn't create me to stay locked away from the world. He created me to shine! He created me to be his beloved child. I can't do that if I am letting Satan whisper into my ear all my insecurities. I have to stop listening!
This blog has been the hardest one I've ever written. I am really opening myself up. I am admitting that I hide away. My goal from this point on is to start embracing myself a little more. Start letting go. Putting myself out there. I know that sometimes I am going to get hurt, but I also know I will be able to serve the Lord better! Not to mention I'll probably be blessed more in the areas where I help my loved ones. My heart is to always take care and love those in my life but I can' do that, if I am not being honest with myself or with them!
So here is to me learning how to let go.. TO Break out of the tight lock and key that I have put myself into years ago.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
2 Years later
This.. Right here.. This is why I am doing this blog. Growing. Changing, Loving others and myself in new ways daily.
Blog below.... Explains this one :)
Lots of love!
Sept, 13, 2011
Writing in a Storm.
Ever feel abandoned? I am sure you have. I am sure we all have. I know I have many times in my life. I know that my biggest fear in life is being abandoned by the people I hold closest to me. So I know this. I fear this this. Yet I turn around and abandon God. The last two weeks God has been the furthest thing on my mind. How could God abandon Baby Cecil in those last moments? How could God Abandon that innocent little baby? But God did not abandon him. He did not abandon me. He's been here all along. He took Cecil into his arms and cradled him. He gave him love that NONE of us would ever be able to give him. God has not abandoned me. I've turned my back on him. But as I think more clearly I can still hear his voice. It's quieter than normal but it's here. He's waiting for me to turn around and grab onto him. So why is it so hard for me to do that? Why is it so easy to abandon the one that loves me the most?I need to stop running! I need to hear the truth weather it hurts or not. I need to face the facts and grab onto God's hand. I can not abandon the one who loves me the most.Is this a test or a trial? Does it really matter? The out come needs to be the same. God needs to be the center.Reaching out to GOD!
Sept 17th 2009...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Pets Oh Pets
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Blogging Continues
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Who am I trying to please?
However, what's the chances of that really happening? What's the chance of them not caring about me anymore because I couldn't give them a ride to Walmart. (That's just an example) If I lose a friend because I couldn't help them out. Were they really a good friend to begin with?
What I have to work on right now is not worrying about what others think. I have to know that my friends and family love me for me. Not for what I can do for them. Not that I am saying I should stop trying to help out. Trying to make their lives easier. Hey that's who I am and it brings me joy. If it felt like a chore then I would have to reconsider. I have to work on not judging myself so harshly. That's going to be a huge battle for me. But it's one I think I am ready for!
This hasn't been the easiest few weeks of my life, and there have been a lot of mountains to climb. However I am looking at this challenge in a way to grown and change and be a better person when it's all over.
Here's one area that I am going to work extra hard on.
Wish me luck :)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Finding The Fun

Friday, August 26, 2011
Coming Up From The Rock Bottom

I don't know how any thing is going to turn out. I am still in the unknown and I am still in the world of changes. However what I do know, is that I am being taken care of. Opportunities are popping up all over the place. I just might not have seen them. If my life wasn't going this way. Or really appreciate the love my friends and family have to offer. It seems that when ever I fall into the darkest hour of the day. God will speak to me through a friend. It never fails when I get that lost I will get a random email, call from my sister or a text message from a great friend that simply says "I LOVE YOU" Wow powerful... God is using them to speak to me and my heart. He's saying it's okay Jacqueline, I have you. I am not going to let you stay buried. I am going to hold your hand and we are going to push up and make our way out from under those boulders.
My advice to you, right now. When the world is crumbling down on top of you. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and listen. Really listen. You'll hear God in the voices of your loved one. You'll see him in the beauty of the earth. Little by little your heart will start to heal. Not every day is going to be easy. Some days are just going to be HARD rock hard for that matter. You'll get through it if you trust in the Lord and in yourself!
Loving you from Jacqui's space!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Pretty powerful little sentence there right? Those three words can fill a person's heart with more joy then one could imagine. Funny is in my past saying those three words would send me into a fit of panic. I don't know when exactly I became afraid of those words. I have never been scared of telling my mother that I loved her. It's something I grew up saying and believing with my whole heart. I knew she loved me as much as I loved her and that I was safe. I knew she'd never reject or turn her back to me.
Over the past few years I've really learned a lot from the I Love Yous. There is NOTHING like hearing the voice of a small child looking up at you saying the words "I LOVE YOU" Talk about heart melting moments. So when did I become so afraid of it? I guess I'll never really know the answer to that.
Hearing the voice of a friend say "I love you" Used to make me cry. I didn't feel like I was worthy enough of their friendship or love. However God says we aren't to judge others. So I tried my best to not judge others. What I failed on was judging myself. God loves me and once I learned to say it to God, I learned to say it to my friends and my family. Not loving them was never my problem. My problem was I judged myself to harshly and I wasn't allowing God to love me the way he wanted to. Once I opened my heart to him, and realized that I was his child and that he wasn't going to reject me, I became a stronger person. One who could give MORE of my heart, to my family and friends. That’s when I was also able to fully understand and appreciate the love that they had for me. When they tell me they love me they just aren’t saying it. They mean it , and those are the memories I hold inside forever.
I am not a perfect person by any means, and I still struggle with my image daily. I am constantly working on loving myself. Some days are just harder then others. However I find that if I pray and I end my prayer saying “I Love You God” It becomes a little easier. After all I was made in his image. He loves me. He’s given me people who love me. SO why can’t I love myself? He also gave me a big heart to love others! I want to take that gift and use it correctly. Which means I have to love myself too.
PS. Now hearing the voice of a friend say “I love you to me” Still can make me cry, but only because I am a sap and heart filled moments are my favorite!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
New Out Look

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Coming out of a storm
I know I haven't blogged in awhile, sometimes there isn't anything to say. Sometimes there is too much to say. You just never know. I know that right now it seems everyone that I love is going through some kind of hardship and it breaks my heart. My heart is in a million of pieces for those I love. For some of them it's just not one battle but several and it doesn't seem right or fair. It's hard to understand why these things are happening. I am just at a loss.. For my family and friends that are struggling right now with whatever is going on in your life please know that I think about you daily and I lift you up in prayer. You all mean the world to me.. Each and everyone of you...
As for my own life right now it too seems to be falling down around me and it's hard so hard to not let the darkness just consume me. It's hard to not feel alone all the time.. However I know there are worse things happening all over the world and people I love are going through so much more then I am. So I remind myself of what I do have. The most amazing support team ever. People that love me all the time for who I am. You are all amazing and I Cherish you. Long calls in the middle of the night, a good walk with a great friend. Sharing a cup of coffee with someone who builds you up all the time. Sweet emails and messages... A hug and a I LOVE YOU.... Is what is keeping me going.
As I write this tonight, I am fighting off a dark moment so I will go spend it praying for others.. But I just needed to find an outlet to my own thoughts....
GOD IS IN CONTROL..... That's what we all need to remember
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Joy in others!
Some people are born into wonderful families who love them and help them grow and stay with them for life. Those people are very blessed and I hope they don't take that for granted. Some people are not born into families like that for those people it's very important for them to go out into and find those people that are made into family. Friends are the family we pick for ourselves.
I am sometimes known as the naive one. The sensitive one. The overly perky in the early morning one. I had someone ask me one day how I did it. Here's what I told them. I find the best in every single person. I believe there is good in everyone. I practice what I believe I forgive and I try not to dwell on the pain. Being sad is easy to do trust me I am emotional I cry easily and my feelings can get hurt quickly but I've learned I have become so much happier by forgiving and loving the person. I am not saying I don't cry when I am hurt sometimes that's what I need to do to feel justified but then I move on but keeping my heart open to the person. I can not tell you how much love and joy is in my life and that makes the painful moments not so painful
As I said this was just on my mind tonight and I beg you all to reach out to your loved ones and let them know you love them. Or give your animals a hug and most importantly if you are in a feud own up to your part, learn from the hurt and forgive. Don't let it destroy a relationship.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Update update read all about it!
How did it become June already? I can't believe it's taken me so long to update my blog. I am sorry!
Soo here's what is going on in my world. My parents relationship came to an end I never thought I would see that happen. However things happen in life that you just can't control and this is one of them. You just love the people. After all they are my parents. My mom has moved in with me and Its been going great! I love having my mom here!
I-pop update I wasn't able to come up with all the money I need so I won't be going this July however they hold onto what I have saved and it goes towards the next one. So I am going to go in January at first I was a little sad however it's all working out for the best. This year my sister has booked a flight to Nevada to spend with our grandparents and now I get to join her. My sister and I make it a goal to see each other at least once a year and we missed seeing each other last year so this is all working out.. As for i-pop for the next six months I am going to continue to fundraise and save money. It'll be fun when I get there!
There are so many great things happening this June I can't wait to see what comes from them..
Loving my life!
Loving my family!
Loving my FRIENDS!!!
Loving my job!
I am blessed!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Life has been busy it's had it's ups and it's downs but you know it's my life and I am happy with it!
I got the biggest life lesson the past few weeks or so, my bestfriend from highschool mother passed away suddenly this year, and it really stopped me in my tracks. It slapped me and it stung. I never really took the time to see how short and special life is. It made me see how special my parents were. I sure do call my mom alot more! Don't let life pass you by with out telling your loved ones how special they are. Really you never know.
My heart goes out to her family, it's not something you just bounce back from. Still praying and loving them!
I can't think of alot to report on as busy as my life has been, but I would love to tell you all that I am here to pray for you. If you have any request feel free to let me know and I will be praying.
Thank you all for reading my blog..
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Most little girls dream of being a princess! Living a glitzy glittery life! Then the real world hits them and they start to dream about more realistic things. Mini vans husbands children and careers. I have to say I am no different, when I was little I dreamed of being famous person married to Prince Charming! As I got older those dreams turned into white picket fences lawns houses husbands and kids and the double garage doors! Here I am still dreaming of what's to come.
I am living a quiet single gal’s life right now, but today I realized that actually some of my dreams are right in front of me and I had no idea. There's no guy no garage doors no picket fences and no glamour... Or is there?
I work 6:30-3 Mon-Friday as a preschool teacher. Everyday I am around 15 small children. Some days are hard...So very very hard...
When I walk into the room after being gone for a short bit of time their eyes light up! They run to me! They call my name. They love me. To them I am the famous person that just walked in the room. I said I wanted the glitter of the world... All of my clothing sports glitter paint stains and my heart holds wonderful great memories of painting projects with the loves. I may not be married or dating right now, but I have a roof over my head. I have a car, I have a job. I have pets and I have a job where I get to snuggle with many little someone’s everyday.
As I said earlier today I've realized that my dreams are coming true each and every day!
With a happy Heart on this first day of March I wish you all a great month.. I hope that you too see your dreams are coming true around you!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A Big Chance!
I just recently auditioned for this amazing contest called iPOP and out of 200 or more so people that auditioned only about 30 or so people made it. I was one! It's very exciting to me! Now I get the chance to go down to LA and do one of my heart desires and ACT and have 100's of agents judge me and see me.. Maybe one of them would actually take me on! Wouldn't that be amazing! It's defiantly a once in a life time chance.
However it's spendy so I am trying to raise the money to go.
If any of you would be willing to donate towards it I would be for ever grateful, OR better yet for you if you need any type of service done I'd more then willing to work for it..
If any of you know me, like really know me you know how hard this is for me to ask. I MUCH RATHER give then ask..
This is a once in a life time thing and a dream I've had since toddlerhood...
Anything helps..
Even just encouraging words and support!
I love you!
you can contact me at For further information!
Thank you!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Taking Back Me
2011 is something special! Can you feel it or is it just me? Maybe 2011 is my year to shine, but I am really hoping it's everyones year to find greatness. I have entered this year with a smile and I smile everyday. I am learning to laugh at my mistakes and not let the little things get to me. I am just loving life.
Since I feel this year is going to be a big one for me I've decided to take back my body. As many of you know I have suffered a pretty nasty back injury in the past. For those of you who don't know. There was construction underway on the free way. Traffic was at a dead stop however the car behind me failed to see all the brake lights in front him and according to the officer on the sight he hit me going at least sixty while I was at a dead stop. Talk about a BIG OWIE! Yes I've let that big owie control my life tell me who I am going to be. I gained fifteen pounds after that accident and have gone up and down on weight since. I am no where near as active as I once was and the migraines that only bothered me once every few months started coming weekly. I've done chiro and massage treatments they help but you know it wasn't enough. When I started feeling weak and sore from holding a hair brush up above my head I knew I was in trouble. I am 26 years old this is not okay with me... So I contacted my Uncle who knows a lot about muscle building and getting a healthier life style. He is wonderful and has agreed to work with me, giving up an hour of his family time 3x a week for me. I really do love him!
He's been a lot of my strength during this process. Now he' s in I know he won't let me quit, but let me tell you something, I don't want to quit. I have suddenly fallen in love with going to the gym. I love the challenge. I love that my uncle is with me guiding me and helping me become who I want to be.
And yes we are only on week two but you know I was able to get my hair into a pony tail today with no pain?
It's little but it's big to me...
Here I am stepping in and taking back me!
And to all of you who support me in other ways. THANK YOU! I couldn't be finding me with out you.
PS... The picture above is me being active at Relay for life.. Well it was a hug moment.. But the last few years at Relay by the end my body is killing me. I've picked this picture to encourage me to keep in shape so maybe this year it won't hurt so bad at the end of the day... Plus the little one in the picture is always encouraging. :) Thanks to her family for being such a great part of my life and allowing me to be the "Big Sister" as her mother once put it... Love it!
Seriously loving Life!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Ups and Downs
So INSTEAD I got to hang out with my wonderful group of friends up here. We watched the Sea hawks kick tooshie! It was great. We laughed we talked we ate. We laughed some more. Most RELAXING Saturday in a long time. Not to mention baby snuggles! Gotta love that!
Then today I woke up to Snow... I knew that I was supposed to go to Seattle. So I prayed. I prayed and I prayed. If anyone knows me really well they know I love LOVE driving in the snow. It's one thing that does not scare me. It challenges me. I know I am odd :) So I checked the weather reports felt at peace to go and I made the trek down to Seattle. Glad I did! Only one bad spot today. The rest was EASY going. It was great. I spent the entire drive worshiping and rocking out to WOW hits. I love God and Me time. I praised him for everything.
I went to the class and learned a lot! I met some great people. Practiced what I learned and you know what? MY COACH used me as an example several times during the class! HOW cool is that?!! Eeek.. And I didn't freak out in front of the camera.. She taught me how to not be scared. Cool right?
Then I made a mistake and accidentaly put my parking slip on the wrong side and got a parking ticket.. BUMMER at first I was mad... Then I thanked God... For humbling me and reminding me that if I don't pay attention to small details there are sometimes prices to pay. So I will happily pay for my mistake.. Well maybe not sooo happily but I get it :)
All in all.. The week and this weekend have been a big adventure. Lots of ups and downs and for the first time in my life... I feel that I handled the downs the best I ever have.. That's huge for me! HUGE!
OOOOH and BY THE WAY!! The first song that plays on here now... My favorite right now... I can listen to it over and over and over
CH: Daily Challenge: Give bottles of water to the homeless OR No rolling "California" stops at stop signs.