I am pulling myself together and finding a new out look on life, my life has never been easy I've never had things handed to me nothing has ever come to easy to me. It's easy to fall into a pity party when you think about it. I am guilty of doing that from time to time. Hey I am an emotional girl, it happens! :)
However I look back at my life and I mean I really look back and no it's not been easy. It's not been fair, but do you know what I've always had? God, I've always known he's there. I've always had someone to talk to and even now when things are rough and sometimes I want to say he's gone he's not. I know he's not, because he's providing for me. Just like he always has. Another thing I've always had through out my life is a good core group of people who love me. A mother who would die for me, a grandmother who treated me like a princess always putting me first. A father who gave me the gift of family a step mother who I don't even call step mother because the word sounds too cinderella... She's mama and that's how she'll always be. She's loved me as her own child since day one. I've got sisters oh how I've got sisters and we've had our fair share of fights but the bond we share runs deep. I've also been given aunts and uncles and cousins who love me... That was just in my childhood now the list goes on. I've got a second dad who has done nothing but loved me since the day he married my mom. More Aunts and Uncles that have taken me as one of their own.. God really is good! Then he gave me my friends.. I have so many friends some that are second mothers, some that are big sister's some that are younger sister's but each one is a gift to me and I wish I could list all their names on here but it would take forever and a day to read them... You all know who you are and you all know I love you with all of my heart.
If that wasn't enough God gave me kids in my life to watch grow. Man some of them have taught me so much.. They hold my heart in a way no one else does. I love you kiddos.
God is great and even in the hardest times he's here I know he is. He's not left me. He hasn't left you either.. In your dark hours think about what you do have and you'll find him. He's waiting for you to turn back around and run to him... Well I am running to him.. I've missed him.
Today, some women said there was something special about Jenny and I when we were out on a walk, and it stuck in my mind all day... What's special about us is we have God in our hearts and in our lives and we are letting him shine..
I hope to continue to let him shine and be the best person I can be. Learn from my mistakes and grow...
Feeling blessed
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