This year I've decided I am going to blog more.. I am not setting deadlines or the amount that I have to blog.. I am just going to blog more. I am going to blog when I am happy, and when I am not...So at the end of this year I can see how much I've grown! So I can see the changes.. So I can remember the smaller moments because well the big ones stay with us but the small ones slip by and I don't want that.
This week has been wonderful! I can't say it enough wonderful! Maybe because life slowed down a little for a week. I rested.. I rested I rested! Did I mention RESTED! Oh it's just what I needed.
Work's been fun! Weeks like this I wonder why it's called work. It's busy, it's loud but it's fun. I have had the chance to snuggle with children. I have gotten to laugh with co workers. I've gotten to explore new art projects. I love my job! There are days and weeks where I want to throw up my hands quit and walk away. But it's weeks like this that remind me that the good out weighs the bad. Hopefully my next bad day this very thought comes to mind and I can shake off that bad day.
Tonight was the first girls night that I've gotten to attend in a few weeks. I didn't realize how much I missed it. How much I need my time with my friends. I can sit in the same room with them for two hours and not say anything and just listen to them talk and feel very blessed to have each one in my life. They bring color to my life... I also got to snuggle a sleeping baby tonight. Holding a sleeping infant in yours arms is a feeling that can't be described. It's pure joy and love. That little man is very special.. I just love him.
Now the week is ending and I am looking forward to my first acting with class with a coach and EVEN better then that a weekend with a different yet equally special group of friends.. Eeeeek I am so excited!
Well friends thanks for reading my blog and following my life...
If there is anything I can pray for you about drop me aline.
I am always here to chat too... Send me an email or give me a phone call.. I am always good at just listening...
I hope you are all finding joy this new year..
Love ya
Oh yeah!! Back to doing Carolyn Hennesy's DailyChallenges because I love them and find them helpful for staying positive..
CH: Daily Challenge: Read at least three of the Federalist Papers OR Research the origins of your own hometown or state
I cannot believe this photo Jax! It's like Lucas is back in the womb with clothes on. (: