Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Month of Challenges :)

Ever since I was very young I knew I wanted to be a writer. I was the little girl in fourth grade when the teacher asked for a short story would write a thirty page "Short" Story. I love everything about it. However I haven't figured out where I want to write what field I want to write. Fiction seems to be my passion! I love creating new people new worlds its so magical to me. I need encouragement to stay on track some days and that got me thinking.. Everyone needs encouragement everyone needs a boost and a challenge. So starting today everyday for a month I am going to blog. That's right I am going to blog! I am going to work on my writing skills and throw out some encouragement.

I am going to come up with my own words of wisdom or challenges and I am also going to post Carolyn Hennesy's daily challenge on here. For those of you who may not know who Carolyn Hennesy is I'll give you a quick update. She is someone who I look up to and admire. She is the author of the Pandora books for Tween girls amazing books I love them all! She also has a great role on General Hospital as Diane Miller and is on Cougar town!

So buckle up sit back enjoy the month :)

CH: Daily Challenge: no make-up today (give your face a break) OR eat a salad for lunch or dinner with no dressing (just a little seasoning) :)
JB: Everyone is special everyone has something about themselves that is unique and wonderful. Today take a minute for yourself and find something that you like about yourself something that might make you special then look in a mirror and tell yourself out loud what you thought about. It may seem silly but it's not it's encouraging and wonderful and you are wonderful.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Random Thought

Random Thoughts and Sixty Days

The weekend is coming to an end, and as I get ready for bed and for the week ahead I check my vitamins and other pills for the week to find that I am low on most. This week will be the week I have to shell out the big bucks and buy all new bottles. Well it got my mind thinking. My mind is random so bare with me. It got my mind thinking to what have I been doing the last sixty days? Or close to sixty days since there is still three or four left in the bottle. Sixty days ago I got a brand new bottle of vitamins, and I take one every day and now here I am.... What has changed what has happened to me. Have I grown? I sure hope spiritually! Have I grown more mature I hope a little bit, but not so much I've lost my sense of humor :) Have I grown wider? GASP I hope not! Luckily all my clothes still fit so we are safe on that one.

It just took me by surprise that sixty days of my life are gone. I get into routine of life and now that I've compared it to a bottle of fish oil it's shocking!!!! just shocking!!! and makes time seem so much faster.

Sixty days ago I was just starting play practice. I had just met several new people whom I've come to adore. And one of them whom God has placed on my heart to be a prayer warrior for. Sixty days ago I had just met this person for the first time and here I am praying for her every night and every morning.. Hello God's magical touch? I think so! I did a play I went to a wedding I made quite a few mistakes I cried a few times I grew a bunch. I hugged lots of kids played lots of games read tones of stories... Sixty days of a whirl wind of fast paced time. I preformed the play I fell from a stage sprained my ankle found a church family I adore. Learned a lot about people. Did some babysitting had some fun with my friends went on a hiking adventure..... Goodness my last sixty days have flown and I sit here and I look at it. I see God's thumb print...

How about you? How have the last sixty days been for you? Meet anyone new? Fall in love? Fall out of love? Learned something about yourself or a friend or a loved one? Sit down think about it. See where you've been putting your time. Anything you want to change? It's a fresh new sixty days take the time and change it. You have the power with in you. Pray about it.. Ask God for it.. Love yourself enough to see where you have been and where you are going. I know I sure saw a lot.

Love ya all

Jacqueline Jean

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This picture makes me smile, its a picture of me and my sweet baby niece isn't she adorable? She's talking more she's dancing and singing and hopping around I just want to eat her up. Look at how innocent she is! Sometimes I wish we all still had that childlike innocents. Where you love everyone trust everyone and your biggest worry is weather or not your sibling took your favorite toy or what color Crayon to use.
As I've gotten older I've learned it's harder and harder to trust people around you. Some people really don't consider others they just care about their needs and what makes them finish at top.
I am not perfect of course I have my own needs that I meet and try to take care of. I am human but I just don't understand hurting others to gain what you want. To tell someone one thing and do the complete opposite thing it's crazy and saddening to me. Though I am BLESSED very Blessed I have a tight core group of people in my life who do honestly love me and try to build me up when I am down and float along with me when I am floating and encourage me to be the best that I can be. So thankful that I can honestly say I have a group of people I can count on anytime day or night to be there. Statics say some people can't even name three honest friends and I have MORE then that. So I am trying to not let the outter world bug me. The one that attacks and destroys other people and their spirts . I want to love everyone. That is my goal to love everyone! So I beg you if you hear me say something that contradicts that call me out on it please. I don't want to be known as a destroyer but a lover. Everyone is in my life for a reason I believe that and I am going to learn from everyone and be the best person I can be. I am not going to let outside media or people destroy that.
TO my core group of people! Thank you! I don't know what I would do with out you! Love ya!
Go hug a child get some of their sweet innocents to rub off on you. Love a child love yourself Love the LORD
The last few days one of my grown up worries has been for a friend on adventure she is about to take. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray and so I've been praying and trusting in the Lord that he will take care of her. I have no idea why this has been placed on my heart but it has and strongly. So If you think about it will you too just say a prayer for her. That God is with her every step and keeps her safe and lets her know she is loved and truly special.
Love Jacqueline Jean

Tuesday, June 8, 2010



Ack Listening is sometimes so hard to do. Listening to someone point out your flaws weather it's in love or spite is a hard thing to do. Listening to others sometimes over your own needs is sometimes hard to do. But you know what's easy to listen to? Gossip! Why is it so easy to listen to gossip and to speak Gossip?

My goal for the rest of this year is to listen to what matters. Listen to my friends and family when they are talking and I mean really listen not just hearing but listening finding out where there heart is in saying it.

I know in the last few days I've heard some hard things to take. Things spoken out of love. Things that have challenged me and I mean really challenged me to try harder and do better. It's like I finally heard.

Then I started really listening to what others were saying and I found that hearing Gossip was soo easy to listen too. So easy to jump in on. That's the one thing that I want to STOP listening too and stop speaking. When someone is listening to me I don't want it to be anything but uplifting and fruitful. Which is where I am going to need to pray a lot because we all know that's not going to be an easy thing to do.

I know that I also have to start listening to the bigger voice the one in charge. I know that God lays things on my heart and speaks to me and I don't always listen and I think I've missed out on some pretty big things. Now that I am listening more I am finding myself to be excited about things that have been laid on my heart and will come. It's kind of fun just to listen.

Listen and Love as your week goes on :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Encouraging Words

Being The Shine

I am feeling very inspired all of a sudden two posts in one week wowzers.

My last blog I talked about finding the little things to make you happy I called it finding the shine. Finding the shine made me think of being the shine. You know everyday we are around people a lot of our time is spent with our co workers sometimes we see them more then our family! Crazy to think! We get set in these ruts and don't often think about finding the shine we just go on and on and on. But the other day in my rut of ruts I had someone tell me something simple something encouraging and it made me stop and think. Oh this person really does care about me and this person just made my day a whole lot better. How hard is it for us to say something encouraging to someone at least once day? It's amazing how simple kind words can change someones whole day as long as they are true and heart felt. It's really not hard to say "Hey I saw how you handled that situation and I think you did a great job. Or I appreciate you. I love what you've done with your hair. You're UNreplaceable. Thanks for listening you're always so kind to me. You've got a great laugh! Little things... You may not know it but you could completely change someones whole day and build up a little self esteem Words are powerful hurtful if used wrong and amazingly helpful kind and uplifting if used correctly

I challenge you this week to encourage someone you know. It's a great feeling for you and them.

You are unreplaceable friends and I love you! Go out there and make it a great week.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Feeling Inspired

After a Blog talk in the nap room today I decided to give it a whirl

Finding the Shine

I've noticed that life has become so routine lately weeks are flying by in a whirl wind of noise! It's the same thing every day and this seems to make time fly by. I know that I don't want life to zoom past me I don't want everything to be so routine. Don't get me wrong I love my job I love my co workers I love my family and friends I know I am so truly blessed however having those things doesn't mean that life doesn't fall into a whirl wind.

I've found stepping back taking a deep breath helps. Also I like the little things it reminds me how great life is and helps me slow down. The smell of brewing coffee while I am filling bleach bottles in the morning amazing anticipating that first sip mmm wonderful my first five minutes of work have become a little get away knowing that first sip is coming. I love the quiet of the morning while I am filling bleach bottles and smelling coffee I am think of the day and what it has in store for me. Or hey I'll admit it I'll tell myself a joke and laugh or tell myself a story or get completely lost in the radio it's wonderful these ten minutes may speed by but they are no longer a chore they are an adventure! All with in the first ten minutes of my day!

It's enjoying every moment of the day as I type this blog my cats are curled up next to me the big one on the back of the chair his paw draped over resting on my shoulder the little one curled up so close her little snores she's so content they are both so peaceful and happy to be next to me. What a gift I've been given to have animals to have their unconditional love super sweet. It's just slowing down long enough to see them. Pick a flower smell it, get a hug from a child or a friend share a joke smile eat a chocolate bar and don't regret the calories eventually if you keep finding all the little things the big things will follow and they will shine more.

Keep smiling keep shining!