Ack Listening is sometimes so hard to do. Listening to someone point out your flaws weather it's in love or spite is a hard thing to do. Listening to others sometimes over your own needs is sometimes hard to do. But you know what's easy to listen to? Gossip! Why is it so easy to listen to gossip and to speak Gossip?
My goal for the rest of this year is to listen to what matters. Listen to my friends and family when they are talking and I mean really listen not just hearing but listening finding out where there heart is in saying it.
I know in the last few days I've heard some hard things to take. Things spoken out of love. Things that have challenged me and I mean really challenged me to try harder and do better. It's like I finally heard.
Then I started really listening to what others were saying and I found that hearing Gossip was soo easy to listen too. So easy to jump in on. That's the one thing that I want to STOP listening too and stop speaking. When someone is listening to me I don't want it to be anything but uplifting and fruitful. Which is where I am going to need to pray a lot because we all know that's not going to be an easy thing to do.
I know that I also have to start listening to the bigger voice the one in charge. I know that God lays things on my heart and speaks to me and I don't always listen and I think I've missed out on some pretty big things. Now that I am listening more I am finding myself to be excited about things that have been laid on my heart and will come. It's kind of fun just to listen.
Listen and Love as your week goes on :)
What a great post Jacqui! Boy, this is a good one! Why is it so hard to listen to God, yet so easy to hear the latest scoop? You have challenged me to listen more to and follow God's chosen path for me;)