This picture makes me smile, its a picture of me and my sweet baby niece isn't she adorable? She's talking more she's dancing and singing and hopping around I just want to eat her up. Look at how innocent she is! Sometimes I wish we all still had that childlike innocents. Where you love everyone trust everyone and your biggest worry is weather or not your sibling took your favorite toy or what color Crayon to use.
As I've gotten older I've learned it's harder and harder to trust people around you. Some people really don't consider others they just care about their needs and what makes them finish at top.
I am not perfect of course I have my own needs that I meet and try to take care of. I am human but I just don't understand hurting others to gain what you want. To tell someone one thing and do the complete opposite thing it's crazy and saddening to me. Though I am BLESSED very Blessed I have a tight core group of people in my life who do honestly love me and try to build me up when I am down and float along with me when I am floating and encourage me to be the best that I can be. So thankful that I can honestly say I have a group of people I can count on anytime day or night to be there. Statics say some people can't even name three honest friends and I have MORE then that. So I am trying to not let the outter world bug me. The one that attacks and destroys other people and their spirts . I want to love everyone. That is my goal to love everyone! So I beg you if you hear me say something that contradicts that call me out on it please. I don't want to be known as a destroyer but a lover. Everyone is in my life for a reason I believe that and I am going to learn from everyone and be the best person I can be. I am not going to let outside media or people destroy that.
TO my core group of people! Thank you! I don't know what I would do with out you! Love ya!
Go hug a child get some of their sweet innocents to rub off on you. Love a child love yourself Love the LORD
The last few days one of my grown up worries has been for a friend on adventure she is about to take. The Lord has placed it on my heart to pray and so I've been praying and trusting in the Lord that he will take care of her. I have no idea why this has been placed on my heart but it has and strongly. So If you think about it will you too just say a prayer for her. That God is with her every step and keeps her safe and lets her know she is loved and truly special.
Love Jacqueline Jean
ReplyDeleteYou are a great encourager! You are a true and faithful friend~
Many blessings~