Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Give Thanks

Non story update!

Thanksgiving is here and it makes me think. What am I thankful for.

The last few weeks have been full of trials and rewards. God is such a loving God isn't he? I've learned alot about myself and the others around me. I am so blessed. I have a group of people that stand behind me and build me up and love me through my ups and downs. Oh my goodness how wonderful is that? I am just so blessed. God has given me such a wonderful family friends and family included in this. I see God's work in everything lately.

Church struggles. Work Struggles. Family Struggles. Augh they have been attacking me and they start making me down and disgusted with myself then a child smiles or a friend complements me and all of a sudden I remember what I have to be thankful for!

I have a family. I have friends I have a house and heat and food and two wonderful cats. I am very rich!

So remember when you are in a trial and you feel all alone. Look up. There you'll find God. Look behind you. There you'll find your support team.