Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Big Chance!

Hi Friends!

I just recently auditioned for this amazing contest called iPOP and out of 200 or more so people that auditioned only about 30 or so people made it. I was one! It's very exciting to me! Now I get the chance to go down to LA and do one of my heart desires and ACT and have 100's of agents judge me and see me.. Maybe one of them would actually take me on! Wouldn't that be amazing! It's defiantly a once in a life time chance.

However it's spendy so I am trying to raise the money to go.

If any of you would be willing to donate towards it I would be for ever grateful, OR better yet for you if you need any type of service done I'd more then willing to work for it..

If any of you know me, like really know me you know how hard this is for me to ask. I MUCH RATHER give then ask..

This is a once in a life time thing and a dream I've had since toddlerhood...

Anything helps..

Even just encouraging words and support!

I love you!

you can contact me at

lilpiperjane@yahoo.com For further information!

Thank you!!