Friday, October 8, 2010


I just had another great Birthday, it's true what they the older you get the faster it goes by. I am still in shock I just had another one. It really only feels like a few months ago from my last one. Crazy.

So I am another year older and I hope that means another year wiser? I want to believe that I've grown and matured and become a better person in the last 365 days.

I try my harderst to be the best that I can be and love myself for who I am. Though that's NOT always easy. In the past year I've learned that the more positive you think the more positve you are. I try to start my day on a positive thought every day and ya know something? I have more good days then bad days.

Fun fact did you know that Oct 5th is the most popular day for babies being born? If you count backwards that leads you up to New Years eve.. Hmm Fun night?

It was a quiet Birthday but filled with so much love. I am so thankful for all of my friends and family God has put into my life. I am blessed. I can't imagine not having any of them. I LOVE YOU ALL! You know who you are!

As I write to you I am watching my rabbit run around the house and my little bitty kitty play with her it brings me such joy. I hope that next year at this time I remember all the joy I have and I hope I can still find it so easily.

who knew a bunny and a cat could bring joy but its there.

Well I am off I have another play tonight. HOPEFULLY I dont fall off any stages this time.


Daily Challenge

CH: Daily Challenge: Fill the pkng. meter 4 the person in after U OR Pay for an elderly person's groc. bill. (unless they're big on booze...:)
The picture above is NOT from my Birthday it just reminds me how blessed I am. I LOVE YA LEANNE!

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