Friday, February 3, 2012

A Journey

The journey continues on.... That's what I am calling this part of my life.. The Journey.. It seems to be the best way to describe it. When I think of a journey I think of a grand adventure! I think of rolling hills beautiful skies. Massive storms and rainbows hung in the sky. Hung just for me!

For in my head a journey has different levels feelings and emotions. That's where I seem to be in life right now.. I constantly have a vast variety of emotions running through me constantly. Some are great joyful emotions of pure happiness and excitement and others are deep and dark, sorrowful and painful.

I want to say that for the most part the happier ones are the ones running through stronger and faster, but it's just not true. The dark ones are the ones running hard and fast. They are the ones that I am fighting tooth and nail.. So I can have glimpses of the brighter ones. The brighter ones are the ones that get me by. They may be short lived but the impact they leave on my heart much out weights the dark ones!

When you are on a journey there comes a point where it becomes dark, so very dark. This is where you need to find the light. So you can get out of the darkened area and find that bright colorful rainbow hung in the sky just for you.

That's what I am doing right now... I am focusing on the lights around me. See God doesn't let you walk in the dark alone. He's there and along the way he's placed bright stars that light up the darkness and help you get through. It's no different in my journey. I have a few bright stars that I focus on... I've also been given a huge flash light.. It has another name by the way. It has the name of The Holy Bible. So between my flash light and my beautiful bright stars, I am making my way through the darker part of my journey. I am looking forward to seeing that rainbow!

So yes I may be struggling right now, struggling more then I have ever struggled in my life but I know in my heart that the outcome is going to be worth it. I may not understand the point of this journey. I may never see why God chose me to go on this particular one with him. What I do know that he is giving me great gifts as I go. Wonderful bright lights are coming into my life!
I never in my life imagined that one day I would get to see so many bright lights.. The path is dark right now, but the shining stars are bright!

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