Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Taking it all on or not

Something I struggle with is taking everything on. I want to be apart of everything I want to do it all. I hate sitting back and letting others do. I am not sure why. I don't feel like I do it better I just like knowing seeing and doing. But it's not the most important thing in life. I don't have to do everything. I don't have to be every ones do it girl. So I am trying to take a step back and let others do more so I am not as bossy. That's another goal. SO what I am trying to say is step back sit back and watch a little. Don't do everything! But do the best when you do, do something. Give what you do your all.

CH : Daily Challenge: see the merits of some aspects of the opposing pol. party...just for better understanding OR Watch a classic movie made between 1940 and 1950. I just watched "Treas. of Sierra Madre". Bogart should have gotten the Oscar!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when we take on too much, we are less effective. Delegation is they key to less stress and things running smoothly. I too like to do things all myself, get it done my way, but that's not always what's best or necessarily right :), so at times, its best to just step back, and let it all take care of itself.
